Are leaders born or made essay

Both forms of leadership have a close relation or association with employee motivation. Introduction A leader is defined as a person with the ability to influence and guide a group of people to accomplish a common goal. From those interactions we refine our values and our natural behaviours are reinforced positively, which would increase the frequency of the behaviours or negatively which would diminish the frequency of the behaviours. He whipped German society into accepting and carrying out his nefarious activities unto the world. Further, people perceive that someone is a leader when he or she demonstrates these traits. My belief on this – I believe that a leader is made, not born. It requires understanding of what motivates people. If you have questions or suggestions, I’m at [email protected]. Esther, communications skills are essential for effective leadership, and communication comes in many forms, both verbal and nonverbal, one-to-one and one-to-many. True leaders might have natural abilities that lend themselves to taking charge over people, but some leaders are born out of necessity; they see a situation and take control. While others believe that leadership, like many other similar characteristics, can be learned and developed through life. In an influential review of the research through the late 1940’s, Stogdill (1948 cited by Northouse, 2009) sounded a discouraging tone concerning finding a set of traits that would indicate strong leader.

Early research (Lewin, Lippitt and White, 1939 cited by NOrthouse, 2009) distinguished between three broad leadership styles: democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire. Running Head: LEADERSHIP AT WORK Are leaders born or made. But according to at least one expert, the born-vs. From those interactions we refine our values and our natural behaviours are reinforced positively, which would increase the frequency of the behaviours or negatively which would diminish the frequency of the behaviours. They both have many things in common but the most important one is that they want to be in charge; become leaders and not followers. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. This essay will analyse this claim by using different leadership. This approach also suggests that leadership is only accessible to the chosen ones and not available to all. They were conceived in their mother womb, and brought to life through birth. However, this answer doesn’t represent the essence of the question. The playing field, the boundaries and the rules become less certain.

Early researchers focused on traits that researchers were able to measure like physical characteristics, aspects of personality and aptitudes. Overlooking the arguments about whether intelligence is culturally defined, successful leaders do not need to be geniuses. My belief on this – I believe that a leader is made, not born. But according to at least one expert, the born-vs. For a select few, I have seen them in various contexts, where I have observed in those situations, that their leadership qualities didn’t have the same intensity within the various situations and in some cases they really expressed more follower qualities. Leaders: Born And Made; Are Effective Leaders Born Or Made. My contribution to this lifelong debate will serve as a pointer to my position on this issue. By exploring these different perspectives researchers and theorists have uncovered many important influences on leadership effectiveness, and in the process the leadership literature has become broader and more meaningful. So we might not all want to be a leader at school; but simply by role modelling the right thing, which isn’t hard to do, we can make everyone’s life at Ormiston College better.

(Nature Versus Nurture) Are True Leaders Born Or Made. For a select few, I have seen them in various contexts, where I have observed in those situations, that their leadership qualities didn’t have the same intensity within the various situations and in some cases they really expressed more follower qualities. Investigations as well as studies are made into ‘how’ and ‘why’ leaders behave as they do; furthermore of what qualities leaders are made of. One difficulty in discussing the leadership is its definition. Leaders aren't born, they are made. Leaders are made Furthermore, there are also many leadership theories that support leaders can be made. Any leader who is worth his salt is a born leader. “Leadership is an observable, learnable set of practices.

But the fact is that you do not know what you are born with until you try very hard to express it. Management educators might be right that leadership is learnable. Perhaps there are variables that suggest some leaders are born to lead. But according to at least one expert, the born-vs. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story. Behaviours are thought to be more flexible than traits and can be easily taught to managers for their effectiveness. After this important assessment the overall emphasis in leadership research shifted from defining traits towards identifying and focusing on different types of behaviour that made leaders more or less effective (Northouse, 2009).

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It is very clear that the effective leadership’s strength lies in learning and understanding a wide range of skills from implementing and even in inspiring employees towards achieving excellence and effective organizational performance. These characteristics have been shown to be helpful across organizations, sectors, nations and organizational levels, and are often the focus of formal questionnaire-based assessments of leadership potential. Buy custom Are Leaders Born or Made essay. Are Leaders Born or Made essaysIt seems as though everyone has something to say about leadership. A good leader is in a constant growth mode, he never repeats the same day twice. Burt Nanus and Warren Bennis (Torrington and Hall, 2008) report ore that three hundred definitions of leadership that leadership researchers have generated over the last three decades.

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The shift by researchers like Halpin and Winer, 1957; Flesihman, 1953; Harris, 1962; Katz and Kahn, 1952; Hemphill and coons, 1957; Macoby and Morse, 1952 (All cited in Northouse, 2009) from traits suggests that it was necessary to search the natural born leader to carry out the leadership responsibilities. The appearance of this type of leader is mostly in a time of crisis as society has been ‘ripened’ to accept true leadership. Many studies of leadership have been published and many leadership articles have been written in business-oriented publications and academic journals and books. However, I subscribe to your theory that individuals are born with varying inclinations toward certain virtues and that only through consistent development and application of those virtues in their daily life do they become habit forming and an ingrained part of one’s character. Based on our own two decades of research on how leaders build trust, we would say the answer is that leaders are BOTH born and made. Leadership is often the difference between success and failure. But for the purpose of this article we will let your objective imagination run wild and juggle with the different scenarios. Podskoff, Todor, Grover and Huber (1984 cited by Noryhouse, 2009) have found the positive reward behaviour usually increases subordinate satisfaction and performance. SDM 201222101028 Ghana Christian University College Lecturer:. Studies and findings are compiled for posterity. Morrison (1996) suggests that effective diversity programs can reduce certain types of personnel costs by reducing headcount and maintaining acceptable retention levels. The theory focused on what leaders actually do instead of seeking their inborn traits.

School captains and prefects aren’t the only leaders in the grade; we all can contribute in our own different way. 74348 IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE AWARD OF POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGY MARCH 2012 CHRISTIAN LEADERS ARE MADE NOT BORN. This guide will help you through that process. 6 Great Man and Trait Theories8 Are Leaders Born or. UKEssays; Essays; Management; Are Leaders Born Or Made Management Essay; Are Leaders Born Or Made Management Essay. Successful leadership means effective decision making and priority setting in uncertain environments, even in the face of economic and technological change; all this while balancing a myriad of often conflicting demands from their subordinates, bosses, and customers. Put simply the purpose of this essay is to establish whether entrepreneurs are born or made.

are leaders born or made essay

Appearing to be courageous, they promote their ideas in the form of advice or suggestions. Or is leadership simply a full package with skills that can be learned by anyone, regardless the personality the individual is born with. There is a clear distinction between someone who. While leadership is defined as being the function or position of a leader, but it is more complex than that. ” And there are persons with innate leadership traits to be sure. Riggio points to a study conducted wherein his research team examined “the relationship between extraversion and leader emergence in a longitudinal sample of ordinary people. In recent years there has been an explosion of newspaper articles, books, research papers and business cases written about, or by, renowned leaders. On the “leaders are born side” we know that extroversion, conscientiousness (i. As a leader you must take people where they have never been before – in thought and action – often against their initial preferences. I strongly believe that leaders are born and.

The work of leadership certainly requires business smarts, technical capabilities and cultural sensibilities, but above all, it is about power. Leadership is a process by which individuals influence employees toward the achievement of organizational objectives (Dubrin, 2009). Kilpatrick and Locke, (1991 cited by Northouse, 2009) combined the results of different studies on leadership in their meta-analysis. Marine rifle-squad leader and counterterrorism instructor who writes about military/defense issues and has covered conflict in the Balkans, on the West Bank, in Iraq and Lebanon. Perhaps, for the others that don’t have any predisposition being a leader will never be part of their being. What would you have to do that you now cannot do, or do not enjoy doing. 2012) Leaders: Born and Made Joseph Eric Williams Saint Leo University Leaders: Made or Born Vince Lombardi once stated, Leaders are made. Words, a leader is someone who is followed by the people.

And you will be doing this in a context where other people will want your position or will be competing with you for the next higher role

Think Bernie Ebbers and WorldCom, as well as Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling of Enron. What would you have to do that you now cannot do, or do not enjoy doing. And you will be doing this in a context where other people will want your position or will be competing with you for the next higher role. Webster’s defines a leader as simply being, a person or thing that leads. It includes social, demographic, and economic factors that influence all organizations about equally. Understandably, the line taken by management educators tends to be that most leadership qualities can be developed, given adequate amounts of key personal characteristics, notably intelligence and physical energy. I focus on the concept of whether leadership is a skill that is innate or learned.

The majority of the research done on traits during the first half of the 20th century involved finding the correlations between criterion of leader success and leader’s characteristics. I strongly believe that leaders are born and. Although the behavioural theorists focus on behaviour, it’s important to realize that leaders’ behaviour is based on their traits and skills. For a select few, I have seen them in various contexts, where I have observed in those situations, that their leadership qualities didn’t have the same intensity within the various situations and in some cases they really expressed more follower qualities. Therefore, extraversion – though it may be an in-born leadership advantage – is no real advantage unless the extravert also develops the ability to communicate effectively. Diverse working groups present different ideas and perspectives which can enable a company to grow larger, stronger, become more productive and profitable. This approach proposes that leadership is available to all people and can be learned as behaviour. Early researchers focused on traits that researchers were able to measure like physical characteristics, aspects of personality and aptitudes.

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My belief on this – I believe that a leader is. Moreover, most of the other children – unsure of themselves in environs beyond their own backyards and neighborhoods – have a far greater desire to conform than to lead. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. Put simply the purpose of this essay is to establish whether entrepreneurs are born or made. Introduction A leader is defined as a person with the ability to influence and guide a group of people to accomplish a common goal. But when the study looked at social skills – which most of us rightly assume are skills mastered through grooming and conditioning – only those extraverts who had mastered the social skills emerged as leaders. They don’t want to upset society from its continual slumber.


So let’s get to the question, or – if you will – the debate. Leaders are born not made: Some theories believe that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership there are certain inborn characteristics that predispose people to be and become leaders. In addition, leaders share a group of common characteristics that have everything to do with personality and nothing to do with position. Before going further, lets be clear on one distinction – when we say a leader is made, it does not mean that someone can be taught to become a leader by attending leadership courses. There are also true leaders who are a bane to society. No fewer than six major theories use different situational factors to try to explain leadership effectiveness. Leaders: Born And Made; Are Effective Leaders Born Or Made. Then, stretch even further and take the most senior leader in your line of sight – perhaps the CEO – and educate yourself about what that person must deal with.

Contrary and sincere opinions are dangerous. These traits set leaders apart from followers. This is what is required ultimately for the success of any organization. He strives to seek new experiences and he’s in a constant self-introspection mode, hence he takes in information from a multitude of sources, including but not limited to his own interpretation of life experiences, observations, books, website, informal training from an excellent coach and/or mentor as well as from more formal training that is given in an academic setting. Few models and frameworks have tried to incorporate all three approaches covered in the empirical literature like Vroom, 1997 and Yukl, 1998 (cited by Miner, 2009). While others believe that leadership, like many other similar characteristics, can be learned and developed through life. I’m sure that we can appreciate that these interactions and the possibilities of their outcomes are so complex that this topic would require it own book. And that’s just one piece of it.

This theory suggested that successful leadership is based in learnable or definable behaviour

Also, it is enduring success we’re after; not fleeting success. Although our culture would like to believe that there is a kernel of leadership in everyone, . This theory suggested that successful leadership is based in learnable or definable behaviour. Nowadays, there are many leadership training and development courses that train people to be the position of leaders. Disgruntled and dismayed individuals utter disenchantment and anger only in private. Leadership is probably the most frequent researched subject in the organization sciences. This is the greatest delusion ever concocted by man.

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