Aggression essays

Human instinct, culture and environment are the main factors which encourage humans to be aggressive. The presumption is that the primary functions of aggression accrued to humankind in its pre-cultural state. Reactive aggression is associated with a tendency to assume that others’ intentions are hostile (hostile attribution bias). This paper is intended to shed light on different aspects of aggression and violence. Given Berkowitz’ reference to the role of learning, this could be an appropriate place to move on to the social learning school of aggression, but I want to add an additional segment on the frustration-aggression school before leaving it. Outline and evaluate two social psychological theories of aggression (e. Research: “While the freedom to dissent is highly valued in the American national psyche, individual dissenters are often vilified for their beliefs” (Sarat 2005). Lorenz also attributes to the aggressive drive a range of other functions under the general rubric of “motivation. Examples abound, but the question we ask is whether the husband, the employee, and the child always engage in a “sequence of behavior, the goal response to which is the injury of the person toward whom it is directed.

The topics of aggression have been argued by many psychologists with. A child’s frustration at such times is acute, but he learns that anger does not cause an adult to change his treatment of the child, and the display of anger does not get the adult’s attention or sympathy. Couples who argue the most are those who are the most likely to become violent. Just as the modified version of the frustration-aggression hypothesis allows for some impact of learning in mediating the way in which a person responds to aggression, so do the social learning theorists allow for an impact of frustration in making it more likely that the person who has learned aggressive responses will use them. After I was sure the house was secure, I went to bed. There can be various reasons that cause this kind of behaviour. Zimbardo (1969) conducted a study on female undergraduates. Sometimes it is released in the form of physical or verbal abuse against another, (where the anger is displaced onto another).

Examples abound, but the question we ask is whether the husband, the employee, and the child always engage in a “sequence of behavior, the goal response to which is the injury of the person toward whom it is directed. He believes that many of the newer generation of employees are what keeps him abrasive in his personality, because people seem to always want something but never want to give anything in return. The latter are likely to be bully-victims. “[13] In order to shed light on these modifications, he utilizes two intervening variables: anger and interpretation. If he was right, how is it that we all don’t commit suicide. [citation needed ] Some studies indicate even higher percentages of victimization. It was once believed that aggression is a learned response, and that one must be in the presence of aggression to become aggressive. Мобільна версія · Aggression essay Aggression can be defined as intentionally harming, or causing damage to another person or object.

AGGRESSION Essays: Over 180,000 AGGRESSION Essays, AGGRESSION Term Papers, AGGRESSION Research Paper, Book Reports. No universally adopted definition of aggression exists, for the purpose of this discussion; the definition of Gross will be used. “[10] While we ourselves may not be familiar with language like “instigated goal response,” it is easy to draw on our own experience with conflict for examples that meet the definition: the husband that comes home from work to find dinner not awaiting him, the employee who does not get a promotion she feels she deserves, the child who’s excluded from a game on the school playground. [ 76] Compared to non-victims, victims exhibit increased levels of suicidal ideation. My A* essays for AQA A Psychology Psya3 Aggression. [ 9] Such groups differ in their sociometric or popularity status, which often create unhealthy, aggression-victimization based dynamics between groups. The acts of violence and aggression observed by Bandura fail to meet this definition. The conclusion of this school of thought on aggression has been summed up: “Human aggression is a learned conduct that, like other forms of social behavior, is under stimulus, reinforcement, and cognitive control. Outline and evaluate two social psychological theories of aggression.

Once the possible questions are broken down we input the

(UNIT 1)(click)
NEW SPEC A* ESSAYS For UNIT 2 HERE. He eventually started working at the prison in Kentucky, and moved up in rank, and wears many hats, so to speak. Bully-reinforcers and assistants do not normally initiate aggressive actions themselves, but they support, reinforce, and/or assist the bully. Some even view it as a game to be won (Abbey, Jacques-Tiura, & LeBreton, 2011). Further research has shown that increased risk for suicidal ideation and attempts depend on a specific interaction between gender, frequency, and type of aggression. A person’s peers become increasingly significant in adolescence and are especially important for adolescents’ healthy psychological development. So while the event was a frustration, it was also a learning experience I prized. Peers provide many new behavioral models and feedback that is essential for successful identity formation and for the development of one’s sense of self. The supervisor stated that he noticed his aggression beginning just before high school. On a popular level, aggression is not seen so much as an outward displacement of an innate internally-directed destructive drive, but rather as a universal externally directed drive, possibly connected to a survival instinct, which unites humankind with the animal world. Evaluate explanations of institutional aggression (16 marks) Strengths In Irwin and Cressey (1962) study they don’t look at inmates having one value. I list a model essay answer for every possible question that can be asked in this book and put forth the technique I used to memorise all the essays from memory. And so, Gurr constructs a tightly woven, comprehensive theory of collective political violence based squarely on the frustration-aggression hypothesis. Hereditary is one of factors that plays an important role in human personality and whether an individual acts positively or negatively. These observations were seen in the 1980s and 1990s in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, where the rate of homicide was rising. [ 42] [ 43] Some of the most common underlying reasons for bullying include low socioeconomic status, disability, and obesity. The topics of aggression have been argued by many psychologists with. In their classic treatise on the subject, Dollard and his colleagues make the bold two-part assertion at the outset, that “the occurrence of aggressive behavior always presupposes the existence of frustration” and that the “existence of frustration always leads to some form of aggression.

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Evil ; Inside Human Violence and Cruelty. [ 18] The most common forms of bullying are verbal with relational, or various forms of ostracism, coming in second. It is noteworthy here that Gurr does not look to a more absolute or objective indicator of deprivation as the source of political violence. In these three ways, aggression helps to preserve the species, regularly improving it to make it more adaptive to the environment. [ 5] They are also essential for healthy sexual development including the development of the capacity for intimate friendships and learning appropriate sexual behavior. Мобільна версія · Read this Psychology Essays and over 84,000 other research documents. The second theory of aggression moves from innate predispositions to external stimuli as sources of aggression. A child’s frustration at such times is acute, but he learns that anger does not cause an adult to change his treatment of the child, and the display of anger does not get the adult’s attention or sympathy. “[24] A similar interventionist strategy is used with older children by calling the ringleader away or by adults joining the group. Victims seemed to focus primarily on the outcomes and not being as good in integrating the moral beliefs. [ 94] One of the examples of the programs using the third approach is PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) teaches skills needed for successfully analyzing social situations, controlling one’s negative emotions, and making more rational social decisions. This paper also discussed how some studies revealed that people with aggressive personalities became more aggressive with frequent alcohol consumption. 184 990 ESSAYS, term and research papers available. Human Aggression Violence “There is not one single Psychological theory that can adequately. Social learning theory fails to explain why not everyone who watches a violent film or plays and aggressive video game will imitate what they have seen. [ 50] These individuals are similar to bullies in regards of their personal characteristics. The death instinct is ultimately self-destructive and if satisfied internally will result in destruction of the individual; it must therefore be channelled outside the self.

The majority of evidence seems to go against the notion of catharsis. Both inmates have contributed their decrease in aggressiveness to growing older. Since I was living on the below-subsistence wages of a graduate assistant, I could not afford to replace the stereo for a long time and every time I wanted to hear some music, I was reminded of the theft. There are alot of information and the essays are structured in a way which is easy to understand. Also a study from the Bureau of justice (2006) in America found a negative correlation between the growth in violent video games and the rate of juvenile violent crime. “[4] At least it does so under “natural — or rather pre-cultural — conditions. In part, it is because of a struggle between Thanatos and Eros [our innate drive toward life], which, luckily for us, Eros usually wins. Further It is generally agreed by looking at present day Eskimos, Pygmies, and Aborigines, that man is a 'hunter – gatherer'. Aggression is defined as “an act of harm- doing inflicted consciously and intentionally upon unwilling victims  (Russell 1). Some believe that children do not have to observe models of aggression to begin its use. [ 11] [ 77] [ 78] and are more likely to have attempted suicide [ 11] [ 79] [ 80] [ 81] Researcher Y. This can have a larger effect. Critical appraisal of theories which address the reason for aggressive behaviour What is aggression. If prolonged, it can lead to devastating effects such as depression, headaches and various other disorders. During the twelve months in which I lived with different camps. This book was written in 2012 and its possible the spec has changed slightly although most of the answers should still be applicable.

“[4] At least it does so under “natural — or rather pre-cultural — conditions. [ 30] [ 31] Instrumental aggression is defined as behavior that is deliberate and planned while reactive aggression is unplanned and impulsive. [ 14] These key conditions apply to all types of bullying: verbal, physical, relational. The supervisor stated that he noticed his aggression beginning just before high school. “[10] While we ourselves may not be familiar with language like “instigated goal response,” it is easy to draw on our own experience with conflict for examples that meet the definition: the husband that comes home from work to find dinner not awaiting him, the employee who does not get a promotion she feels she deserves, the child who’s excluded from a game on the school playground. Content may not be reproduced without prior written permission. [1] [2] Although it can be used in many. The findings of these studies propose a major question: if children are at their peak in physical aggression when they begin school, when do they learn to become physically aggressive (Tremblay, 2002). , “characterized by much interpersonal violence, destructiveness, aggression, and cruelty”[19]. This also addresses the analogous nature of social learning theory – can behaviour shown towards a doll be used to predict or explain behaviour towards a living being. [ 76] Compared to non-victims, victims exhibit increased levels of suicidal ideation. [T]he primary source of the human capacity for violence appears to be the frustration-aggression mechanism.

Relational aggression has been primarily observed and studied among girls. During the twelve months in which I lived with different camps. “Adults consistently ignore a child’s angry outburst when it does not inflict harm. , “characterized by much interpersonal violence, destructiveness, aggression, and cruelty”[19]. “[12] He concludes by supporting “the essential validity of the Dollard et al. For the most part, I interpreted the events of that night more as something to value than as a loss. But as soon as I would begin to feel angry, I would begin to feel grateful. [ 27] [ 28] Rodkin et al. Victim-defenders are individuals who stand up for the victim. As well as little support evidence there are many other areas upon which Freud is criticised. [T]he primary source of the human capacity for violence appears to be the frustration-aggression mechanism. The victim reacted according to his/her emotions or circumstances at the time. [ 50] Defenders like to befriend other defenders and usually belong to the smallest social network of all other previously mentioned groups. Aggression This essay will evaluate biological and psychological theories of aggression and associated methods of its reduction and control. More specifically, aggression is defined as “any sequence of behavior, the goal response to which is the injury of the person toward whom it is directed. The anger induced by frustration, however, is a motivating force that disposes men to aggression, irrespective of its instrumentalities. A great many people think of aggression as instinctual.

In not having even thought about the stereo until the morning after the break-in and having been only concerned about my personal safety, I had learned what was important to me in a very clear and deep way. An example of reactive aggression may be on where an aggressor spits in the face of a victim. I use this for revision alot and hopefully will achieve a good grade. Aggression is difficult to define, it is a complex phenomenon, and depending upon the context the term can be . One unexpected finding in many of the tests that included elementary school-aged children was that the frequency of children’s physical aggression reduced from the time they began school, until the end of high school. Sometimes aggression is directed to an individual rather than to any apparent social group. Aggression is a behavior that is forceful, hostile or attacking. Is aggression biological determined or the product of learning and environmental influences. It is used to express one’s anger, affirm dominance and to attain goals. Human aggression is prevailing more than ever before, but the cause of aggression .

22 Mar 2012 . The two types of aggression commonly

Team Identification on the Hostile and Instrumental Verbal Aggression ...

He proposes that “every frustration increases the instigation to aggression, but this instigation is here termed anger”[14] and that anger will only lead to aggression when “there are appropriate cues or releasers. The first situation may be a desperate one, but it is the second that is frustrating. They are least liked among the peers. They believed they “had a family that had our back” (Paul P. The supervisor stated that he noticed his aggression beginning just before high school. The New York Times heralded it as “one of the most important works of our age,” expressing hope that it “be read not only by natural scientists but by Rand Corporation thinkers, members of the Pentagon, pacifists, and presidents. Reviewing the work of Margaret Mead and several other anthropologists, Erich Fromm (1973) concludes that only six of thirty primitive societies studied were “destructive,” i. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978, p. Its cover offers quotations that are suggestive of this impact. Lorenz defines aggression as “the fighting instinct in beast and man which is directed against members of the same species. It is commonly believed that aggressive adolescents belong to rejected social groups. Longitudal studies up to the adolescent years found that preschool is a sensitive period for children to learn how to regulate physical aggression. Deindividuation can also promote pro-social behaviour, when prosocial environmental cues are present. Research shows that there are three types of rejected or unpopular adolescents who are very likely to be involved in bullying behavior.

[ 48] They are also good at emotion regulation

This suggests that when the person has anonymity to hide behind, they have a decreased concern for evaluation by others, resulting in more anti-social behaviour. Beyond this, Lorenz attributes to aggression a role in developing the social structure due to its critical role in clarifying the rank ordering of the members of a group. According to Freud this instinct, is made up of the libido (pleasure) and. In their classic treatise on the subject, Dollard and his colleagues make the bold two-part assertion at the outset, that “the occurrence of aggressive behavior always presupposes the existence of frustration” and that the “existence of frustration always leads to some form of aggression. [ 30] [ 31] Instrumental aggression is defined as behavior that is deliberate and planned while reactive aggression is unplanned and impulsive. This was the first book released by myself and covered AQA A Psychology Psya3 Aggression. However nearly all the evidence of Lorenz's theory comes from research with animals, and many psychologist “doubt whether the results apply to humans, because in the animal world instinct plays a more significant role than with humans”. The topics of aggression have been argued by many psychologists with. [ 94] One of the examples of the programs using the third approach is PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) teaches skills needed for successfully analyzing social situations, controlling one’s negative emotions, and making more rational social decisions. One theory to explain aggression is deindividuation. This also gives a very bleak outlook on life – violence and aggression are unavoidable and therefore non preventable. Most recent research has been focusing on cyber-bullying, which is a relatively new yet increasingly popular way of engaging in both verbal and relational aggression due to growing importance of various communication and technology devices in modern societies. However, this only supports the fact that deindividuation produces only anti-social behaviour. The aim is to critically evaluate these theories and to discuss to what extent they are able to explain aggression and violence. Learning theory advocates point to the work of a number of anthropologists as totally debunking the aggression-as-instinct school and largely undermining the frustration-aggressions hypothesis. It can be a problem for the individual who is acting aggressive, such as a disciplinary action or the recipient of the aggression, for example they could suffer injury as result.

The second theory of aggression moves from innate predispositions to external stimuli as sources of aggression. ” Does every husband, employee and child who finds him or herself in such a predicament engage in aggressive behavior. These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked. They believed they “had a family that had our back” (Paul P. Makes my revision a whole lot easier. Bullies, despite being quite morally competent, tend to engage in morally wrong behaviors because of several reasons, including a lack of moral compassion. [ 10] Findings of a study by Rivers and Smith [ 20] have shown that while verbal aggression occurs with similar frequency in both sexes, direct physical aggression is more common among boys and indirect aggression is more common among girls. It will assess the influence of the media on pro and anti-social behaviour identifying individual, social and cultural diversity in aggressive and pro social behaviours.

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So while the event was a frustration, it was also a learning experience I prized. Surely, if catharsis occurred the planning of the act would be enough to satisfy the death instinct and therefore prevent the event from taking place. [ 57] However, in general they will take the side of the bully or victim based on who they know better. The answer, according to Freud, is catharsis: Watching violent events or engaging in mild displays of anger diminishes the aggressive urge and leaves us emotionally purified and calmed. Based on these findings, girls do seem to use relational aggression somewhat more than boys. Our inhibitory mechanisms were presumably sufficient to allay intra-specific killing when our weapons were limited to our hands and feet, but they were not designed to offset the utilization of something even so low-tech as a handgun. Although victims respond to bullying in various ways, some of the most common ways include avoidance or escape behaviors, such as not going to school and running away from home. In a longitudinal study, Dan Olweus (2003)[ 42] found that young adults, who were victims of bullying in adolescence, had more symptoms of depression and lower self-esteem than did their non-victimized peers. Evaluate explanations of institutional aggression (16 marks) Strengths In Irwin and Cressey (1962) study they don’t look at inmates having one value. In addition, recent international research shows that both genders tend to use relational aggression, but girls are more aware and distressed by it. The death instinct is seen as the drive that pushes us towards extinction or non-existence, whilst simultaneously the life instinct strives to preserve life. Mccorkle ­ domination of the weak in prisions Hard to define hazing. After I was sure the house was secure, I went to bed. Hence, the need to maintain a unique social identity and status can be one of the causes to engage in bullying. The presumption is that the primary functions of aggression accrued to humankind in its pre-cultural state. Ted Robert Gurr answers this question with a firm yes in Why Men Rebel (1970). [because] it is always favorable for the species if the stronger of two rivals takes possession of the territory or of the desired female.

It will include a discussion of the origins and courses of aggression and the implication of these theories for the reduction. Other students- bystanders can also choose between several roles: victim-defender, bully-reinforcer and/or assistant, and outsiders. For instance, inter-male fighting is one adaptive form of aggression. People are usually more aggressive when. Why does someone continue to behave in a violent or aggressive way without continuous exposure to such material. How do people learn not to be aggressive. Value capabilities are the goods and conditions they think they are capable of getting and keeping. There were no conflicts between adults, which led to serious injuries or homicides.

Problems arise when there is displaced aggression. He had enough and started fighting back. AGGRESSION DEFINITION- Aggressiveness is an intentional behavior aimed at causing either physical or psychological pain. The doll is of course not a living being and there is no way it could try and avoid any acts towards it. This shows the nature of the inmates as well as how they were brought up and accept other values. Outline and evaluate two social psychological theories of aggression (e. Studies have also shown that most of the men that have committed these types of acts distrust women, are easily angered by them, or hold views of relationships in a different way than other men. This aggression has to be punished so not to become main stream.

A follow up study showed the children who had previously been exposed to the toy were five times less violent than those who were new to it

More recent studies contradict this theory because children throw temper tantrums without ever being around aggressive individuals. [ 18] The most common forms of bullying are verbal with relational, or various forms of ostracism, coming in second. One study in a barroom showed the association between the level of intoxication and the severity of aggression was higher than in a non-barroom study (Wells, Giesbrecht, Ialomiteanu, & Graham, 2011). One could even suggest Freud justifies violence and aggression – it is after all a human instinct. A supporting study was conducted by Robert Watson (1973) who looked at warriors from 23 different societies, and observed how much a warrior changed his appearance prior to going to war, and the levels of aggression with which the warriors tortured and mutilated. It can be either a form of retaliation or without provocation. The social psychology point of view includes the "arousal theory", the . For our purposes, the more narrow definition used in psychology is most appropriate. [ 35] [ 36] [ 37] [ 38] [ 39] [ 40] First type includes adolescents who are overly aggressive: they tend to get into fights, get involved in antisocial activities, and are often involved in bullying; second type includes adolescents who are withdrawn or timid and exceedingly shy and inhibited and who are more likely to be victims; third- aggressive- withdrawn- type adolescents tend to have trouble controlling their hostility, but they are also very shy and nervous about initiating friendships.


Outsiders are adolescents who like to stay away from the conflict situations, participate in spreading rumors, or actively support either side. Immediately upon waking, I knew that my stereo had been stolen the night before. It has been shown to successfully reduce behavioral problems among elementary school children. They determined that heavy drinking was related to aggression, whereas it was less intense without the alcohol. In another study by Baldry [ 21] it was found that boys are more likely to engage in bullying behaviors such as threats, physical harm, rejection, and name-calling, while girls are most likely to use name-calling, teasing, rumors, rejection, and taking personal belongings. “In 1972, Donald Hebb, a father of modern psychology, noted that children did not need to learn how to have a temper tantrum” (Tremblay, 2002). Like the two gang bangers, he credited his decrease in aggressive behavior to growing up. An example of this occurs to me, which helps me make these abstractions more concrete. Both male and female outsiders usually score below average on both social acceptance and rejection by their peers. Aggression is a complex phenomenon influenced by genetic and psychosocial factors. [ 49] And because of their lack of social competence, victims score low on peer acceptance and popularity. One theory to explain aggression is deindividuation. Introduction: Aggression in sport has always been a major issue.

Ability to “read” people and adjust one’s behavior accordingly, etc. Sociometric status, commonly referred as popularity, is one of the most significant predictors of victimization or bullying as differences in popularity can be associated with differences in social power. There is no typical form in which the behaviour takes – what determines how the death instinct must be satisfied. You may also sort these by color rating or. Aggression is a complex phenomenon influenced by genetic and psychosocial factors. I list a model essay answer for every possible question that can be asked in this book and put forth the technique I used to memorise all the essays from memory. Introduction This essay will explore the nature versus nature debate and discuss the considerable controversy that still exists over the origin of aggression in humans. Researchers also mention how human beings are predisposed traits to like sex, happiness, and smiling. They have difficulties in social skills, and social problem solving, as well as emotional regulation. There are serious negative consequences associated with being involved in any aggressive behaviors. Bandura (1983) puts forward the idea that aggression and violent behaviour “entail intricate skills that require extensive learning”, in other words we are unable to act in an aggressive or violent way until we learn (from our environment) how to do it.

Instrumental aggression is aggression that serves as a means to some goal other than causing pain. The New York Times heralded it as “one of the most important works of our age,” expressing hope that it “be read not only by natural scientists but by Rand Corporation thinkers, members of the Pentagon, pacifists, and presidents. [ 86] Close teacher- student relationship moderates perceived safety in the classroom, and higher perceived safety is directly linked to better classroom concentration and improved coping strategies [ 87] Therefore, supportive friends, family, and teachers can be great buffers for victimized students against all negative effects of victimization. These help me get 100ums(100%) for Psya3. Some are more aggressive than others, and some have even shown signs of their aggression decreasing. One theory to explain aggression is deindividuation. Green et al (1975) found that opportunities for dispersing aggression actually increased aggressive behaviour. This aggression is instrumental aggression; it is committed en route to accomplishing a goal. [ 84] In addition, research shows that support from teachers can be a significant environmental factor for higher academic achievement and school engagement. These observations were seen in the 1980s and 1990s in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, where the rate of homicide was rising. My A* essays for AQA A Psychology Psya3 Aggression.

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